Two horses on a field with wooden fences with 2 rails
Many horse and animal lovers do not have agricultural fencing with Acacia or Robinia posts because they are toxic. It is true that Robinia contains toxic substances, to which horses in particular can have a serious reaction, but there is no danger with properly debarked and dried posts. It would be a shame to disregard this type of timber, wrongly, for your agricultural fencing.

A basic misunderstanding that we would like to clarify: when people refer to Acacia, then they often actually mean Robinia. While Acacia is genuinely a tropical wood, Robinia comes from Eastern Europe. Robinia is the most durable timber in Europe, and thus highly suited for making agricultural fencing. The timber is perfectly resistant to damp and wet conditions in meadow.

  • Is Robinia poisonous?

We regularly see warnings pop up that you must be very careful with Robinia, however. It is correct that you must not let horses eat from a Robinia tree that is alive, for sure. The leaves and bark contain toxic substances which could make horses react badly. Horses might develop problems after eating 70g of bark, and 150g could be potentially lethal.

Does this mean that we absolutely must avoid using Robinia for agricultural fencing? Certainly not, we have beautiful fencing in Robinia in our range: the Classic and Modern Post & Rail in Robinia. Other products include Round Robinia wire mesh and Square Robinia wire mesh.

These posts no longer contain any toxic substance at all. As we shave all traces of bark off the timber. Once felled, the posts begin to dry out, and the risk of problems also subsides along with the sap.

  • Why Robinia then?

Robinia is extremely durable timber. Furthermore, it has a very natural and authentic appearance for agricultural fencing. The timber is slightly warped, therefore it gives your pasture an exclusive look.

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